Unless the situation is suitably managed at the market access stage, the way LEO is being populated today poses a threat to innovation, 增长机会, 有效利用频谱, 国家利益, 空间安全, 还有环境.
Ensuring Innovation and Growth Opportunities in the New Space Age (2024)
反复出现的错误说法是,高度在500公里至600公里之间的LEO轨道本质上是“自清洁”的。, and that collisions of satellites in those orbits are inconsequential. 这是错误的. 在这些高度发生的近地轨道卫星碰撞,其后果将持续数十年,并威胁到所有近地轨道.
Developing congestion in LEO significantly increases the risk of collisions, and longstanding impacts on access to space by everyone. 我们不必接受这些后果. Innovative new systems can deliver better service, 确保空间的可持续性, and allow all nations to compete in the New Space economy.
大型星座运营商可以通过部署较小的卫星来降低凯斯勒综合征的风险, or if deploying larger satellites doing so at lower orbits.
离轨卫星将被跟踪,运行卫星可以机动以避免紧密连接. However, this depends on ongoing communication and cooperation between operators, 目前哪些是临时的和自愿的.
The public satellite catalog does not contain all debris objects, as it includes few objects smaller than 10 cm. 然而,人们普遍认为,如果两个物体相撞,1厘米或更大的物体对航天器来说是致命的.
梅尔曼,扬卡和斯图扎. “Averting Environmental Risks in the New Space Age.“第一天项目”.
在这样的轨道密度下, 根据多重建模努力, it is not a question of if a defunct satellite will collide with debris, 但是,当.
Undseth快活, & Olivari. “空间可持续性: The economics of space debris in perspective.” OECD.
If current satellite internet proposals become reality, 大约50,000 active satellites will orbit overhead within ten years. Even if the most ambitious plans do not come to pass, the satellites will be manufactured and launched on an unprecedented scale.
当执行寻找潜在连接(相交误差椭球)的计算时,许多“潜在”碰撞被识别出来,它们通常被忽略. It is vital that this situation be remedied before a major accident occurs.
最近的反卫星试验将注意力和讨论集中在近地轨道空间碎片的后果和近地轨道的脆弱性上. 本文将卫星意外碰撞的后果与成功的反卫星试验的后果进行了比较. 结果是无法区分的.
Satellite Collisions Have the Same Consequences as ASAT Tests
...美国国家航空航天局(NASA)担心合相事件的频率可能显著增加,并可能对NASA的科学和载人航天产生影响 任务.
Further, 空间轨道碎片的增加危及宝贵的资产,并有可能使人们无法进入空间.
来自U的信.S. Rep. Mark Levin (D-CA) to Acting FCC Chair Rosenworcel
在过去十年中, 两次主要的卫星碰撞大大增加了目前轨道上的碎片数量.
来自U的信.S. Senators Cory Booker (D-NJ) and Dan Sullivan (R-AK) to FCC Chair Ajit Pai
Much has changed in the space environment over the past two decades, 但有一件事是明确的:太空的拥挤——尤其是太空碎片的爆炸性增长——已经为我们的宇航员和轨道上的卫星创造了一个越来越危险的环境.
来自Sen的评论. Roger Wicker (R-MS): Protecting our assets from space debris
It is essential that the Commission’s understanding of orbital regimes, and the decisions operators base on that understanding, 通过对地球轨道上物体之间碰撞风险的精确测量来形成.
我们认为,解决轨道碎片和空间的长期可持续性问题需要一篮子多种方法. 没有什么灵丹妙药.
“航天国家必须尽量减少空间物体再入对地球上人员和财产的风险,并最大限度地提高这些行动的透明度. 很明显,中国在处理空间碎片方面没有达到负责任的标准. 至关重要的是,中国和所有航天国家和商业实体在太空中采取负责任和透明的行动,以确保安全, 稳定, 安全, and long-term sustainability of outer space activities.”
Statement from NASA Administrator Bill Nelson (5/8/21)
Viasat Exec Chairman Mark Dankberg sat with Jim Bridenstine, 橡果成长公司高级顾问, Viasat Board Member and former NASA Chief to discuss how we can ensure safe, 可持续进入空间.
整个夏天, SpaceX had lost contact with three Starlinks orbiting earth, 专家们担心这种巨型卫星群可能会增加危险的轨道空间碎片.
Now, Ekaterini Kavvada, the directorate general of Defence Industry and Space at the European Commission, has warned that this space junk is 'not a theoretical threat but a reality'.
《菲律宾bg视讯官网》:“一场即将发生的灾难”:人类留下的太空垃圾在近地轨道上形成了一个相当于“漂浮的塑料岛”的东西, 专家提醒
"But if we don't address the space-junk crisis at a global level, 而不是操作符1, "we risk missing how the environment is degrading,丹尼尔·奥尔特罗格说, the director at the Center for Space Standards and Innovation...
太空变得越来越拥挤, 专家们担心,有一天我们可能会面临太空碎片激增的灾难性后果, 这反过来又会摧毁卫星, 禁用GPS服务, 一般来说,在一代人的时间里,太空旅行和全球通信是不可能的.
The New Republic: Elon Musk Wants to Move Fast and Break Space
“The mega-constellations are producing huge risks of collisions. 我们需要更严格的空间交通管理规则和确保规则执行的国际机制.”
Viasat, Amazon and other firms objected to SpaceX’s move on a variety of fronts, 包括潜在的信号干扰, environmental impacts to the atmosphere and collision risk...
“这是一场逐底竞赛,我们要把尽可能多的东西送上太空,以占据轨道上的房地产,森巴杰说, 他是德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校航空航天工程与工程力学系的副教授.
Today, we need to mitigate the risk of “space debris”—spent rocket stages, fuel tanks and decommissioned satellites that could damage other satellites, 宇宙飞船和未来的人类栖息地.
Wall Street Journal: Space Is Poised for Explosive Growth. 让我们把它做好.
最坏的情况, 在这种情况下,卫星碰撞会产生一个失控的反馈循环,其中包含越来越多的太空碎片, 被称为凯斯勒综合症...
近地轨道已经相当拥挤了. 正如马斯克自己所指出的那样, nearly 5,000 satellites currently swarm the planet’s immediate environment, and Starlink alone is poised to triple that number.
Space junk is a huge problem—and it’s only getting bigger, 国家地理
近地轨道已经相当拥挤了. 正如马斯克自己所指出的那样, nearly 5,000 satellites currently swarm the planet’s immediate environment, and Starlink alone is poised to triple that number.
Will Elon Musk’s Starlink satellites harm astronomy? 以下是我们所知道的. 国家地理